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GET Screen (Listing Screen Search)



The GET Screen (Listing Screen Search) API returns the Published version of the matching Listing Screen or all versions of a specified Listing Screen.

On the Cloud, this API is available via SSL-secured HTTPS connection using the REST GET verb.
The format query string parameter controls the desired response format. Specify either XML or JSON.


You may use either JSON or XML formats in your GET request.
You indicate this by setting the ContentType HTTP header as "application/json" or "application/xml".

If no ContentType is specified, XML format is assumed.

All XML formatted requests must specify the following XML namespace in the data source root element:


The GET verb on this API endpoint allows you to return the Published version of the matching Listing Screen or all versions of a single specified Listing Screen.
The required and optional parameters for a GET call to the Screen API are outlined below.

Your unique Company ID is found on the Organization Setup page of the secure website.

Your unique Integration Key is found on the Organization Setup page of the secure website.

List of Form external IDs to search for - must be comma separated.

Search for Forms last updated since the given date.

Search for Forms last updated before the given date.

BooleanWhether all versions of a single Form screen should be retrieved, if set to true, only one, External ID must be specified.

IntegerThe page number from which to start reading results (0 based).

The page size (number of rows) to return. Maximum allowable value is 250.


Given that the API is REST-based, you can access the API directly via your web browser to test or by using the Postman API Platform.

The below example demonstrates a simple request returning all Listing screens from a specific company account.

Request URL


Response Body

  "ListingScreens": [
      "Name": "List of Inventory",
      "Icon": "List",
      "Version": 1,
      "Status": "Published",
      "IsLatestVersion": true,
      "Settings": {
        "RestrictToGroup": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
        "HideFromUsers": true,
        "DisplayOrder": 1
      "CompanyId": 6XXXX
      "Name": "Field Sales - Client List",
      "Description": "This screen lists all Clients found in the Clients Data Source. \r\nNote that \"Hide From Users\" below is ticked on since we only want this screen to be accessed from the Field Sales - Start Screen.\r\nIn the design you will see that we have set the User Interaction to Open Screen, with the Client Detail screen chosen to be opened, passing in the selected Client email address.\r\nThe Detail screen will use the email to lookup the specific Client row in the first column of the Clients Data Source.",
      "Icon": "Contact",
      "Version": 2,
      "Status": "Published",
      "IsLatestVersion": true,
      "Settings": {
        "RestrictToGroup": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
        "HideFromUsers": true
      "CompanyId": 6XXXX
      "Name": "Field Sales - Product List",
      "Description": "Displays the rows found in the Product List Data Source, and opens the Product Detail screen when a row is tapped by the user.\r\nIn the design you will see that we use the Group By property to group the rows by the manufacturer.\r\nWe also hide this screen from users since we only want the screen to be accessed from the Filed Sales - Start screen.",
      "Icon": "Info",
      "Version": 1,
      "Status": "Published",
      "IsLatestVersion": true,
      "Settings": {
        "RestrictToGroup": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
        "HideFromUsers": true
      "CompanyId": 6XXXX
  "TotalRows": 3

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