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Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Enable two-factor authentication for your organization so that users have an additional level of identity verification required on logging in. This is an added security layer for your organizational data.

Enabling 2FA

The Organization & Users menu area is where an admin user can enable 2FA for their organization.

Once enabled, you'll be able to set verification and authenticator options.

Verify User On

Specify when the user should be challenged to verify their identity via two-factor authentication (2FA).  

By default, we require a verification code when the user first registers for 2FA and once per app install thereafter.  For additional security, you can require every login to be verified - for Portal users specifically or for all users. 

NOTE: If you choose to require verification on every app login, your users will always require an internet connection in order to verify their 2FA code.


Specify your preferred authenticator app, which will be recommended to your users during their 2FA registration process.

Logging in with 2FA

After enabling 2FA, when a user logs in an initial registration will occur for the chosen authenticator and thereafter the authenticator's verification code can be provided.

Initial Verification & Code prompt

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