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Knowledge Base
Data Captured from Forms
Getting Started
Key Concept: Screens
Key Concept: Data Sources
Pushing/Pulling Data To/From Other Systems
Key Concept: Docs
Using Images in Your Apps
Key Concept: Tasks (Job Dispatch)
Testing Your Screen Designs (TEST Mode)
App Setup Page
Form Screens
Form Screen Type
Page Field
Section Field Type
Text Field
Numeric Field Type
Date/Time Field Type
Choices Field Type
Media Field Type
Signature Field
Location Field
Auto Numbering Field Type
Barcode Field Type
Hidden Field
Sketch Field Type
Action Field as dynamic buttons
Table Field Type (Repeating Table)
Gallery Field Type
Attachment Field Type
Data Field Type
REST Field Type
NFC Field Type
Form Settings
Dynamic Features
Creating a Formula
Formula Operators & Functions
Referring to column values of a selected Data Source row
Forms FAQ
List of Data Screen Type
Details Screen Type
Map Screen Type
Form Recipes
Common Formula Q&A
Showing and Hiding Fields (Visibility)
Dynamic Answers & Calculations (Dynamic Values)
Dynamic Titles and Hints
Cascading Choices (also known as Parent-Child)
Conditionally Required Fields (Required Condition)
Allowing Users to Jump Pages (Custom Form Navigation)
Generating a Unique Number/Code
Workflow A Form Entry Between Users (Process Steps)
Creating, Updating and Deleting Rows in a Data Source
Calculating the Duration/Time Elapsed between Two Form Fields
Validating Answers (Custom Validation)
Saving Entry Values For Reuse / Defaulting (Global Values)
Looking Up a Data Source Row from a Barcode Scan
Repeatedly Scanning Barcodes / QR Codes
Formula Cheat Sheet
Dynamically Displaying Images from Data Source, Web or Map sources
Customizing Titles of In-Progress Form Entries
Capturing Repeatable Data
Exporting to and Importing from Excel
Calculating the difference between two date/time fields
Capture Google Maps Images in Forms On Fire
Making fields in a repeating table required
Concatenating Repeating Fields from a Table within the Form
Sizing images to fit a device screen dimension
Nesting Repeatable Data - Nested Repeating Tables
Formula Quick Question and Answer Reference
RFID Scanning with Zebra Device
Regular Expressions Examples (Regex)
Dynamically Evaluate Text as a Formula
Form Connectors
Google Spreadsheet - Form Connector
REST - Form Connector
GeoOp - Form Connector
SharePoint List - Form Connector
Common Connector Settings
120 Second Time Limit on Form Connectors
Amazon S3 - Form Connector
Microsoft Power BI
SQL Connector
Google BigQuery Connector - Form Connector
Egnyte Connector - Form Connector
Salesforce - Form/Screen Connector
Twilio Connection and TwilioForm Connector
Azure Blob Connector
Snowflake Connector
Excel Online Connector
OneDrive Personal Connector
Adding a NetSuite Connection
Custom SQL
REST - Form Connector
Data Captured from Forms
Viewing Form Entries in a Table
Viewing Form Entries on a Map
Editing Form Entries
Manually Downloading Data
Date and Time values in Form entries
Viewing Form Entries in a Feed
Data Sources
Adding a New Data Source
Editing Settings and Rows
Using Image Columns
Updating a Data Source from a Form
Advanced Column Settings
Viewing a Data Source on a Map
Editing Data Source Rows
Best Practices - Data Sources
Data Source Connectors
Dropbox - Data Source Connector
Google Spreadsheet
Hosted GET
SQL Server Data Source Connector
Amazon S3 - Data Source Connector
Google BigQuery Connector
Salesforce - Data Source Connector
Google Drive
Snowflake Connector
NetSuite - Data Source Connector
Platform Sync - Data Source Connector
Output Templates
Word Templates
Excel Templates
Hiding Rows / Sections of Your Template
Dynamic Output Using Form Formula
PDF Output Tips and Tricks
Repeating Data
Troubleshooting & FAQs
Image Sizing
Built-In Data
Outputting Checkboxes and Other Special Characters (Unicode Support)
Using Word/Excel Comments To Preserve Template Formatting
Charts in Templates
Supported Fonts on Exported Templates
Supported Fonts and Non-Western Characters in Templates
App Printing
XML and JSON Output
Inject Attached PDFs into Template Outputs
Advanced App Building
Showing Data Source Rows on a Map (Mapping Screens)
Displaying & Updating Data Rows from/to An External System
Launching Your App from a URL (App Links / Deep Linking)
Advanced Column Settings for Data Sources
User-Defined Filters on Inquiry Screens
Replacing / Emulating Default App Screens
Chain Screen Types to Produce Deeper User Experiences
Custom Icons
How do I ensure that my users' data is up to date?
Changing the Display Row Title
Mapping - Custom Tiles
Mapping - Custom Layers
Connecting to Other Systems (Integrations)
Adding Data Connections
Single Sign-On with Okta
Adding a Microsoft SQL Server Connection
Provisioning Users and Single Sign On with Azure Active Directory
Single Sign On with Azure Active Directory
Single Sign-On with Ping Identity
Adding an Amazon S3 Connection
Troubleshooting Connection Issues
Getting Started with Google BigQuery
Adding a Google Cloud Platform Connection
Adding a SharePoint Connection
Adding a Salesforce Connection
Dropbox Changes 2021
Adding an MS Graph Connection
Adding a Snowflake Connection
Email-less Login
Adding a PostgreSQL Connection
Enterprise Toolkit
Copying Content Between Environments (via the Repository)
FAQ & Troubleshooting
What is the cloud platform's IP address? (for firewall / white listing purposes)
Where do you host your servers? Can you host somewhere else?
When does the app synchronize/check for updates?
How secure is my data?
How do I configure emails from the platform? (From addresses, SPF records and mail rules)
Using Force Sync to Manually Re-submit Unfinished Uploads
Manually Rescheduling a Connector
Downloading Old Form Submissions in Bulk
Creating an Infinite Loop Workflow ("SAVE TO CLOUD")
How do I log into the mobile app?
What is the difference between Standard and Premium users?
Screens/Docs don't show on my device anymore! Why?
Photos/Videos/Audio files aren't available on the Data page! Why?
Does the app work offline (without internet connection)?
How do I filter what users see on the app/website?
My connectors/jobs don't run immediately! Why?
GPS capture is sometimes slow - why?
What devices / operating systems are supported?
How does your user licensing work?
How can I pull/push data from/to other systems?
How do I connect my account to Google Drive/Spreadsheet/Dropbox/FTP/OneDrive etc.?
Can I use external GPS devices with the app?
What’s the difference between Form entry Completed time and Received time?
How can I improve battery life of devices in the field?
What devices should I buy?
What are the limits/maximum fields that I can have in a Screen?
Can I launch other apps on the user's device from within a Screen?
Can I add/store metadata values to user and organization accounts?
Enabling Location/GPS on Windows devices
How do I get the best/most accurate geocoding results for addresses?
Web Forms
Web Forms (Add-On)
Task Connectors
Setting up Task Connectors
Website as a Service (Your Own Branded Web Portal)
Creating a CNAME on your DNS
Configure Email Support for Your Custom Domain (SPF & DKIM)
Tasks (Job Dispatch)
Adding a New Task
Sending Tasks & Editing Details
Task Templates
Adding a Task from a Task Template
Task Connectors
Recurring Tasks Creation Behavior
Adding a New Folder
Adding a Screen/Doc/Data Source to a Folder
Editing Folder Settings & User Access Permissions
Adding a New Doc
Editing Doc Details
Organization & Users
Organization Setup
Adding and Managing Users
Forgot Password
Users - Frequently Asked Questions
Deleting and Restoring with Trash
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
API Overview
API Explorer
General Information
API Usage Limits
Pagination on Search/Collection APIs
Tips for REST Integrations
Company API
GET Companies (Company Search)
GET Company
POST Company
PUT Company
Data Source API
GET Data Source
PUT Data Source
User API
GET User(s)
PUT User
Usergroup API
DELETE Usergroup
PUT Usergroup
POST Usergroup
GET Usergroup (Search)
Repository API
POST Repository API (Create)
GET Repository API (Search Installations)
PUT Repository API (Update)
POST Repository API (Create Installations)
DELETE Repository API (Remove)
DELETE Repositorys API (Remove Installations)
Setting up Google Play Developer API Access
Screen API
GET Screen (Map Search)
GET Screen (Listing Screen Search)
GET Screen (Details Screen Search)
GET Screen (Iconboard Search)
GET Screen (Search)
GET Screen (Form)
PUT Screen
POST Screen
Task API
GET Task (Search)
PUT Task
DELETE Bulk Tasks
DELETE Task (Search)
Pre-filling of a Form Entry Activity (POST Task)
POST Task (Files)
Formentry API
DELETE Formentry
GET Formentry
GET Formentry (File)
GET Formentry (Search)
Push API
Folder API
GET Folder (Search)
POST Folder
GET Folder
PUT Folder
Private Label Your Solution
iOS - App-as-a-Service
Apple Business Manager: Setting up an ABM Account
Apple Business Manager: Distributing your app
Verifying your Play Console developer account
Change/Update My Credit Card
View My Previous Orders/Invoices
Change or Update User Licenses & Billing History
Service Level Agreement and Forum Rules
Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Forum Rules
Developer Accounts
iOS: API Key Setup
iOS: Push Notification Token Setup
Data & Security
Data Confidentiality
Incident Reporting
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Mobile and Desktop Apps
How do I log into the mobile app or the web dashboard?
How do I download the app?
How do I increase the camera resolution for photo controls?
How do I filter what users see on the app/website?
Can I copy form fields from one form to another?
What devices / operating systems are supported?
What are the Windows app installation requirements? (e.g., for enterprise deployments)
Windows App Shortcut Not Functioning Properly
Why am I seeing the last form I created when I start a new one?
How does your support work?
Connectors and API
Can Forms On Fire Connect to My System?
Why aren't my emails being received by my users?
How do I use the Enterprise Metadata and Keywords Settings?
Screen Design
How many photos or videos can I upload at one time?
Force Sync vs. Refresh vs. Reload On Return
Support & Training
PDF Files of the Knowledge Base
Viewing Form Entries in a Feed