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This request method allows you to create a new task and assign it to a specified user(s). On the Cloud, this API is available via SSL-secured HTTPS connection using the REST POST verb. The format query string parameter controls the desired response format. Specify either XML or JSON.


You may use either JSON or XML formats in your POST submission. You indicate this by setting the ContentType HTTP header as "application/json" or "application/xml". If no ContentType is specified, XML format is assumed.

All XML formatted requests must specify the following XML namespace in the data source root element:


The POST verb allows you to create a new task and send that task to a specified user.
The required and optional parameters for a POST call to the Task API are outlined below.

ExternalIdStringYour external identifier for this Task
UserIdStringIdentifier for the user assigned to this Task.

'First Available ID' is '00000000000000000000000000000001'.
'First To Claim ID' is '00000000000000000000000000009998'.
'All To Complete' is '00000000000000000000000000009997'.

When working with a 'First to Claim' or 'All To Complete' case, you must specify a TargetGroup OR a TargetUsers value.
UserEmailStringRegistered email address for the user assigned to this Task.✓*
UserExternalIdStringYour external identifier for the user assigned to this Task✓*
NameStringTitle/Description of this Task - displayed to the app user

['Airplane', 'Book', 'Building', 'Science', 'Clipboard', 'Clock', 'Organisation', 'Contact', 'Globe', 'Group', 'Help', 'Home', 'Bug', 'LightBulb', 'Marker', 'MedicalCase', 'Power', 'PriceTag', 'Roller', 'AddressBook', 'SignPost', 'SpeechBubble', 'Star', 'TrafficLight', 'Report', 'Truck', 'Rain', 'UnderConstruction', 'User', 'Warning', 'Hammer', 'Anchor', 'Announce', 'Calendar', 'Drill', 'Services', 'List', 'History', 'Settings', 'Documents', 'Info', 'Flag']

The name of the icon to display for this Task. e.g., use 'Airplane' for the standard Airplane icon. 

If you have uploaded your own custom icons (via the App Setup page in the platform), specify the name of the replaced standard icon.

TemplateIdStringIdentifier of the Task Template that this Task is derived from (if any).

Currently, only connectors are inherited from the task template.

CompleteByDateDate/time by which this Task must be completed.

Must be specified in ISO-8601 format as a UTC.
Ignored when IsAllDay is true.

StartByDateDate/time by which this Task is expected to start.

Must be specified in ISO-8601 format as a UTC time.
Ignored when IsAllDay is true.

IsAllDayBooleanIf true, this Task is an all-day task.

AllDayDate is mandatory when this is true.
By default, all tasks with this set to true will start and end at UTC midnight of the AllDayDate specified.
Update AllDayUtcOffset to change the start and end.

AllDayUtcOffsetIntegerSpecifies the midnight offset in Hours to use for StartBy and CompleteBy when IsAllDay is true.

By default, IsAllDay tasks will start and end at UTC midnight of the AllDayDate specified.

AllDayDateDateDate used for the IsAllDay flag.

Must be specified in ISO-8601 format as a UTC time. This is mandatory when IsAllDay is true.

CompleteAtTextStringTextual description of location at which Task should be performed.

Generally expected to be address in format Unit/Number, Street Name, Suburb, City, State, Country.

CompleteAtLatDoubleLatitude co-ordinate in decimal degrees of location at which Task should be performed.
CompleteAtLonDoubleLongitude co-ordinate in decimal degrees of location at which Task should be performed.
PerformWithinIntegerRequired radius in meters of the location that the user must be within for the Task to be performed.
AdditionalInfoStringFree text area for additional information about this Task to be displayed to app user.
DisableNotesBooleanIf true, users will not be able to add free text notes to this Task. Default (if unspecified) is false.
SendImmediateBooleanIf true or unspecified, the Task will be sent immediately (or if files are attached, then immediately on last file upload).

If explicitly set to false, then the Task will be created in a Draft status and will require a separate PUT action that sets this property to true in order to send the Task to the user.

UserCanRejectBooleanThe user that the task is assigned to is allowed to reject the task or not.
RestrictToGroupStringRestrict access to a specific User Group identifier.

This only allows access to users in the selected group. Users in this Group will also be able to access all items that are not assigned to any Groups.

UserCanReassignBooleanWhether or not the assigned app user is permitted to reassign this Task to another user.

['Any', 'Available', 'Group']

Controls how the list of reassignable users is generated. NOTE: Any group restrictions on this Task are also automatically used to filter the user list.

TargetGroupStringTargets this Task at the given User Group identifier.

Only used when working with a 'First to Claim' or 'All To Complete' Task.

TargetUsersArray[string]Targets this Task at the given list of User identifiers.

Only used when working with a 'First to Claim' or 'All To Complete' Task.

ActivitiesArray[TaskActivity]Activities to be performed on this Task.
FilesArray[TaskFile]Files to be included with this Task.
ValidateFormAnswersBooleanWhether or not to validate preset FormAnswers on 'Fill Out Form' activities.

For testing/debug purposes only, should not be used in production.



AnswerFormatString['Raw', 'Rich', 'Flat']

CompanyIdIntegerYour unique Company Id found on the Organisation Setup page of the secure website.

Your unique Integration Key found on the Organisation Setup page of the secure website.

✓* - At least one of these values is required.


Given that the API is REST-based, you can access the API directly via your web browser to test or by using Postman API Platform.

Request URL

Request Body

  "UserEmail": "",
  "Name": "This is a test task",
  "CompleteBy": "2023-09-27 18:00:00",
  "StartBy": "2023-09-26 18:00:00",
  "IsAllDay": false,
  "AllDayUtcOffset": 0,
  "AllDayDate": "Date",
  "CompleteAtText": "",
  "CompleteAtLat": 0,
  "CompleteAtLon": 0,
  "PerformWithin": 0,
  "AdditionalInfo": "This is a test task description.",
  "DisableNotes": false,
  "SendImmediate": true,
  "UserCanReject": false,
  "RestrictToGroup": "",
  "UserCanReassign": true,
  "ReassignType": "",
  "TargetGroup": "",
  "Activities": [
      "Name": "The App To Open",
      "FormExternalId": "ext_id_form_to_open",
  "ValidateFormAnswers": false,
  "RetrieveEntries": false,
  "MediaAsUrl": false,
  "AnswerFormat": "",
  "PurgeDays": 0,
  "CompanyId": 6XXXX,

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