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Common Connector Settings


Most of our connectors are different in various ways depending on what systems they connect to and the functionality they provide. However, there are also some common options that most connectors feature. These are described below.

Basic Settings

Save Data As: Select an option from this drop-down to choose the output file's destination file format, whether PDF or otherwise. Text is the default option.

File Name: Type a name here to be used as the file name for the output file. You may use static text, dynamic text fields, or a combination of both -- e.g., "Field Report for {{date}}." The file extension (.pdf, .xlsx, .docx, etc.) will be added to the file name automatically. Please note that the generated file name, including the extension, may not exceed 120 characters.

Folder Path: (Optional) Type the destination folder path for the online storage provider here. The path should be entered in the following format: "FolderName/AnotherFolder/FileGoesInThisOne." If this field is left blank, the output file will go to the top-level directory.

High-Resolution Images: Check this box to increase the PPI of images on the output from 96ppi to 150ppi. This will increase picture quality at the cost of a much larger output file size.

Send Media File Separately: Check this box to send/attach all media captured in the Form entry (photos, videos, etc.) as separate files. This is in addition to any generated answer/template output of the connector. NOTE: If the "Anonymize Personal Data" option is enabled, media files marked as Personal Data will be excluded.

Launch Images by Click/TapBy default, images embedded in file outputs are not clickable. Check this box to enable images to be viewed separately in a web browser by clicking on the file within the output. Note that the image link seen in the web browser will reflect this portal's web domain; if this is not desired, do not select this option.

Anonymize Personal Data: Check this box data to convert data from fields marked as Personal Data to a nonhuman-readable format to aid privacy. Please see this article for more on this.

Add a Data Template (Customize Output)

This option allows you to add a customized Word/Excel file for when data output is required to be in a specific layout - e.g., a layout based on existing paper-based forms that you may be currently using.

Upload a data template for outputting a file from this Connector.  For PDF output, you can use a Microsoft Word (.DOCX) or Excel (.XLSX) file as the template.  For Word or Excel outputs, provide a template of a matching file type. For all other output types, your template must be a plain text (.TXT) file. 

To learn more, please refer to the Output Templates articles in our documentation.

Add a Run Condition (Conditional Trigger)

Sometimes you may have a Connector that you only want to fire if the Form entry has a given answer value. For example, you may have an Audit Form that has a risk rating question with options like "Low," "Medium" and "High." If the user answers the risk rating as "High," then you want an email to be sent to a supervisor for follow-up and action.

This is where a Run Condition comes in. Run Conditions are defined by creating a true/false formula. The Connector will only run if the formula you define in the Run Condition has a true result. So, in the example above, the Run Condition formula would be something like:

{{riskRating}} = 'High'

When you hover over the Run Condition field, you will see a hammer icon appear. Clicking the hammer will take you into the Formula Builder, which helps you to put together the formula you desire.

Add a formula that calculates whether or not this Connector should be run when a form entry is submitted. Use the hammer icon to launch the Formula Builder and build a formula that gives a true/false result.

Common Settings Overview

The table below provides a comparison of common settings for our Form Connectors

ConnectorAdd Data TemplateAdd Run Condition
Amazon S3 Storage
Azure Blob Storage
Google Drive
Google Spreadsheet
OneDrive Personal
One Drive for Business
SharePoint Document
SharePoint List
SQL Server
Google BigQuery
Power BI

Clone Connector

Duplicate the connector and its settings adding it to the list of connectors. Useful when a similar connector is needed that has various settings requiring minor tweaks.

Additional Options

View all/additional connector options.

Expand/Collapse Connector Settings

Expand or collapse the connector for testing purposes. Useful when testing new or improved form functionality and you'd prefer not to push data out at the same time.

Enable/Disable Connector

Temporarily disable the connector for testing purposes. Useful when testing new or improved form functionality and you'd prefer not to push data out at the same time.

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