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Amazon S3 - Data Source Connector

Our platform enables you to quickly and easily connect your data sources to data from a File Key/Location in Amazon S3 Storage. This enables a one-way synchronization to occur - where any changes in the Amazon S3 Storage File Key/Location are downloaded into your data source on a regular basis. Your data source will be automatically updated in this way until you remove the connector or an error occurs (such as losing authorization to access the file).

To Set up an Amazon S3 Storage Connector to your Data Source, follow these simple steps.

Note: You need to have configured a Connection to your Amazon S3 Storage account.

  • Go to Connected Data -> Data Sources
  • In the list of available data sources, Click on the Settings icon next to the data source you want to add to the connector to
    A set of options will show, click on the Settings link.
  • In the Data Source's Settings page, scroll to the bottom and Click +Add Connector. If this is the first time adding a connector to the Data Source you will see a link that reads 'Try adding a connector' Click it. 

  • A new window with the selection of connectors to choose from, Click on the Amazon S3 Storage option.

The page should refresh with your newly added connector.

Configuring an Amazon S3 Data Source Connector

  • Enter the Bucket Name. This is the Bucket where the file is stored in.
  • Enter the File Key/Location. Specify the location which uniquely identifies the file within the S3 bucket.
  • For example:
  • Select the Refresh Frequency that this connector will pull data.
Data must be in .csv or .xlsx format and cannot contain formula. The spreadsheet must exist in your connected Amazon S3 Storage account. 

When you save your changes, the connector will be fired for the first time and after that will run at the interval you specified in the connector settings. Wait a minute or so and then check the Rows page for your data source. You should see the rows have been downloaded from the Amazon S3 Storage file. 

If rows are not downloaded, then there may be an error with the file's data or in permissions to access the file. 

You can check this by clicking on the Error Logs button shown next to your connector on the Settings page.

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