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App Setup Page

On the App Setup page, you can customize a few basic in-app cosmetics (visible after logging in to the app) and global app functionality, as well as configure field themes to aid rapid solution development.

It also displays additional areas where you can Customize Icons and set up Launch Options to create custom URL app links.

Accessing the App Setup page is done by navigating the side menu area, Admin > App Setup.

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Basic Settings

Remember Logins

By default, the app requires the user to log in every time it is opened on the device.

This provides high security, although it can be a nuisance if the device has its own PIN to unlock. Ticking this option means the user will stay logged in on the app between sessions.

Log User Location

Enables logging of user GPS location. Location (if available) is logged on every app synchronization and is stored in the user's account history.

Users&Groups > Edit User > Location History

Date Format

Enter the format you would like dates to be displayed. Valid options are:

d, dd = day

ddd, dddd = day of week

M = month

y = year


MM/dd/yyyy, dd-MMM-yyyy

Time Format

Enter the format you would like times to be displayed. Valid options are:

h = hour

m = minute

s = second

tt = A.M. or P.M.

h/H = 12/24 hour

hh, mm, ss = display leading zero

h, m, s = do not display leading zero


HH:mm, hh:mm tt, HH:mm:ss

Start ScreenChoose a Custom Board of Icons screen as the starting point for your app; this will replace the default app start screen.
Info Alert

Customize the Info Alert box (In-app Task Notification) on the Default Start Screen. Only available when using the default app start screen.

Formula Examples:


{( DSCOUNT('APPTASKS') )} Assigned Task(s)


{( IF(DSCOUNT('APPTASKS', '{{this[5]}} < UTCNOW()') > 0, CONCAT(DSCOUNT('APPTASKS', '{{this[5]}} < UTCNOW()') , ' Overdue!') , CONCAT('Next due on ' , FORMAT-DATE(DSFIRST('APPTASKS' , 5) , 'dd MMM'))) )}

Text Color - f(x) Mode

IF(DSCOUNT('APPTASKS', '{{this[5]}} < UTCNOW()') > 0 , 

'#f24444', '#7b7b7b')

Background Color


In-app Result

Advanced Options

Disable Password Change

By default, the app's Settings screen allows users to change their password as desired.

Use this option to remove the password change area from the app for all users in this company account.

Wait for Sync On Load

By default, the app will perform all data syncing in the background, allowing the user to start working immediately while the sync is still in progress.

When this option is enabled, the app will instead display a blocking overlay when syncing, forcing the user to wait for the sync to finish. This will only occur when the user logs into the app or resumes the app from the background -other background sync intervals will continue as normal.

This is useful for cases where you must ensure the users have the latest data before they start working with the app.

Hide Remember Answers

By default, the app's Settings screen allows users to remember answers for Form screens.

Use this option to remove the Remember Answers checkbox from the app for all users in this company account.

Show Draft Entry Badges

Form Screen icons on the app's start screen show a circular badge containing the number of saved, in-progress entries for that Form.

Hide Task Status

By default, the app will show a box outlining the user's Tasks on the start screen. This option allows you to disable this default.

Title Bar & Background

Background ShadingSpecify your app's custom background color style.
Title Bar ShadingSpecify your app's title bar color style.
Title Bar TextSpecify your app's custom title text color.
Title NavigationSpecify your app's custom title navigation color.
Title Bar ImageSpecify a custom title image for your app (it must be in PNG format).

Field Theme

Define general, table, gallery, or page field themes that can be applied to fields in the Form Designer. This will help you maintain a consistent field style when quickly designing your forms.

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