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How do I check and/or install .NET Framework for my Windows app?

In order to run our Windows app on your device, you must ensure that .NET Framework version 4.7.2 or higher is installed. If you have kept your machine up to date with Microsoft's Windows Update service, then you likely already have the latest .NET Framework installed, and you have nothing further to do.

However, should you find that your app is failing to start, or if you're unsure as to whether you have a high enough .NET version installed, then follow the steps below to download and install the latest .NET Framework version.

At the time of writing, the latest .NET Framework is 4.8, so our screenshots below portray installation of that version.

Step 1: Download the latest .NET Framework

On your Windows device, open your web browser (e.g., Chrome) and head to the link below:

You should see a page similar to the picture below, and the download should start immediately.

Graphical user interface, text, application, website

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Step 2: Start the Installer

When using Chrome as your web browser, your download should appear in the bottom-left corner of your screen, and you can click on it to open it. If you are using a different browser, you may need to go to Windows Explorer and navigate to your Downloads folder. Look for the file that starts with "NDP" (e.g., ndp48-web.exe) and click it to start the installer.

Should you see a prompt like the picture below, click "Yes" to allow the installer to run on your machine:Graphical user interface, application

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Step 3: Follow the Prompts

When the installer starts, you may see a message like this:

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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The above message is good news - you already have the latest .NET Framework installed! You can just quit the installer and proceed to run your Windows app.

If you do not see the above message, that's all good, too - just follow all the prompts of the installer to get .NET Framework installed. When the job is done, head over to your Windows app and start it up!

Having trouble or need more detailed information?

Head to the Microsoft .NET Framework site for detailed instructions for your specific Windows version, along with troubleshooting help.

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