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Deleting and Restoring with Trash

Occasionally, we get requests from users who had accidentally deleted items from their accounts and were then struggling to recover their deleted work. To address this, we've created the "Trash" feature which will now contain these deleted items. 

Items that can be restored range from deleted screens, data sources, uploaded documents, submitted form entries, tasks, and task templates, including any dispatched recurring task instances that are not yet in progress.

Items are stored in Trash for a period of time that is set in 'Organization Setup' (see image below), after which they are permanently deleted. Trash items can also be permanently erased from the Trash menu before this period elapses.


The TRASH button can be found in the following places:

  • The setting pages of Screens 
  • The setting pages of Data Sources
  • The settings page of any Tasks & Task Templates
  • The details page of Recurring Tasks
  • The details page of any Docs uploaded to Files & Docs
  • The popup that appears when clicking the MANAGE DATA button on the Table View page under Data Entries.
  • The popup that appears when clicking on the Folder Settings icon next to a Folder

NOTE: It's important to be diligent with your file naming as the restored file will have the same name as it had previously. This could potentially cause confusion with any replacements you may have created in the interim with the 

When deleting a screen, any data sources or linked data template documents will be moved to Trash.

Trash is accessed via the Settings menu option:

Restoring Items

To restore from Trash, select the items that you want to restore. Then click on the "MANAGE" button at the top right-hand side of the screen:

You can either opt to permanently delete the selected items or restore them.

Alternatively, hover over individual Trash items and select restore or delete links below the item.

  • Restoring a Form will also restore any linked data sources. The full version history will also be restored, and the form will go back to the original folder from which it was deleted.
  • Deleting a folder, any content (i.e. screens, data sources, files) associated with the folder will not be deleted and will remain under all categories,
  • Restoring a folder, any previously associated content will be re-associated.

Alternatively, you can restore multiple items by selecting/ticking them and then clicking the Manage button on the top-right of the page.

Restoring Cloned Data Sources

If you've had a data source import mishap, a cloned copy of the overwritten data source created when importing can be used to correct any mistakes.

What you'll need to do to restore your data:

  • Restore the cloned data source copy and export (.xlsx).
  • Import the export (.xlsx) back into the original data source linked to your screens.
  • Delete cloned data source.

Website as a Service - Custom Side Menu

If your website is white-labeled and the side menu has been customized, the Trash menu option won't display by default. This is to prevent any undesirable changes to your custom menu.

Simply insert the following into your Custom Side Menu to make this feature visible.

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