Pulling Data From One Form to Another
I have created an audit form that contains a text field to be filled out by the user. I was wondering if it is possible to to have the answer to that particular text field auto-fill another text field to a completely different form.
For example, the form I made is a process audit and I added a process field for when the audit has failed, it will work flow the user to open up another screen and fill that screen out as a corrective action. There is a text field in the process audit that asks for who the audit is performed on. I would like to have the answer to that text field automatically fill out a text field within the corrective action screen.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
I think if you use this formula function, in the default value field, GLOBALVAL('keyname'), it might do the trick. Here's the full article on what I think it might answer your question.
Hi Ashley,
There are two options we would recommend for this, one of which Gabriela already mentioned above.
First, you could incorporate the corrective action form as part of the workflow within the form. If the audit fails, it would workflow a corrective action step to a reviewer. The auditor's name wouldn't have to be pulled from a data source or another form. Our Knowledge Base article about process step workflows is below:
Second, if you do want to launch a separate screen, you could also pass that field as a parameter into it as a Global Value, as Gabriela suggested. The Knowledge Base article she linked will have the details.
Hope this helps!